
Papers please game all endings
Papers please game all endings

papers please game all endings
  1. #Papers please game all endings full
  2. #Papers please game all endings windows
papers please game all endings

#Papers please game all endings full

When discrepancies are discovered, the player may interrogate the applicant, demand missing documents, take the applicant's fingerprints while simultaneously ordering a copy of the applicant's identity record in order to prove or clear either name or physical description discrepancies, order a full body scan in order to clear or prove weight or apparent biological sex discrepancies or find enough incriminating evidence required to arrest the entrant.

papers please game all endings

The player can use a number of tools to review the paperwork to make sure it is in order. One by one, immigrants arrive at the checkpoint and provide their paperwork. For each in-game day, the player is given specific rules on what documentation is required and conditions to allow or deny entry which become progressively more complex as each day passes. At the time frame of the game, Arstotzka has recently ended a six-year-long war with the neighboring country of Kolechia, yet political tensions between them and other nearby countries remain high.Īs the checkpoint inspector, the player reviews arrivals' documents and uses an array of tools to determine whether the papers are in order for the purpose of arresting certain individuals such as terrorists, wanted criminals, smugglers and entrants with forged or stolen documents keeping other undesired individuals like those missing required paperwork or expired paperwork out of the country and allowing the rest through. The gameplay of Papers, Please focuses on the work life of an immigration inspector at a border checkpoint for the fictional country of Arstotzka in the year 1982. Pope reported that by 2016, more than 1.8 million copies of the title had been sold. The game was recognized with various awards and nominations from the Independent Games Festival, Game Developers Choice Awards, and BAFTA Video Games Awards, and was named by Wired and The New Yorker as one of the top games of 2013. Papers, Please was positively received on its release, and it has come to be seen as an example of an empathy game and a demonstration of video games as an art form. Tasks include allowing in those with the proper paperwork while rejecting those without all proper documents, detaining those with falsified information, and balancing personal finances. As the immigration officer, the player must review each immigrant and return citizens' passports and other supporting paperwork against an ever-growing list of rules using a number of tools and guides. The game takes place at a migration checkpoint. In Papers, Please, the player takes on the role of a border-crossing immigration officer in the fictional dystopian Eastern Bloc-like country of Arstotzka, which has been and continues to be at political hostilities with its neighboring countries. A port for the PlayStation Vita was announced in August 2014, and was then released on December 12, 2017.

papers please game all endings

#Papers please game all endings windows

The game was released on Augfor Microsoft Windows and OS X, for Linux on Februand for iOS on December 12, 2014. Papers, Please is a puzzle simulation video game created by indie game developer Lucas Pope, developed and published through his production company, 3909 LLC.

Papers please game all endings